museums, knitting, and (sometimes) more

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mr. San-Man, bring me a dream ...

Ok, after so many (well, two) requests, I'm back!
Upon the sad day of my resignation of the weirdest job ever, I made my beloved boss the weirdest/sweetest knitted item ever, for her 6-month-old grandson. (we snapped pix in the lunchroom and photoshopped till it was perfect.)
recolor sweater front
yes, its a baby sweater-uniform for the city's youngest san-man. You're right, it's amazing.

Still no digicam, but I'm weighing two options for the 5 seconds I get to splurge when I get my loan check: ultra-fancy jeans or a camera. Feedback welcome... the blog, or looking cute on all my upcoming single-girl dates? Decisions, decisons.