museums, knitting, and (sometimes) more

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I get to call it art. Eventually.

Just realized that it is the 1-year anniversary of this here blog. Good thing I decided to pay attention again.
Today, after a very exciting six hours at thesis central I decided to do a little recreational research by seeing the new documentary "Who Gets to Call it Art?", about former Met curator of contemporary art Henry Geldzahler. It was fine. And apparently the answer to the title question is, independently wealthy gay white guys. I mean, I think Geldzaher is cool and stuff, I even liked his book, but two mentions of Helen Frankenthaler in the whole movie pissed my feminist ass off. Plus flick was a little ADD, with Calvin Tomkins and Ivan Karp talking over an abstract-expressionist blooper reel and "edgy" music going in the background the whole damn time. And David Hockney, well, the film could have been sixty, not eighty minutes long. Whatever, I guess it was worth ten bucks to hear Frank Stella talk about how Geldzahler's exhibitions placed contemporary art in historical context. Or at least see him wave around the same cup of coffee for eighty minutes. Aargh. Anyway, Film Forum has good popcorn.