museums, knitting, and (sometimes) more

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Why Academia is f***ed up

Because of the following gross generalizations with no research behind them, and a few others:

Because middle class white americans with high self-esteem talk about how evil middle class white americans are.
Because any asshole agrees that Gandhi should be quoted more than Freud.
Because the concept of the "Other" never helped anybody get along.
Because power dynamics are a bit more complicated than that.
Because if you need to simplify things into ridiculous stereotypes to make your argument then your argument sucks.
Because not all eligible graduate students vote.
Because "problematize" is not in the dictionary.
Because I might actually believe in the American dream, and it makes me hate our goddamn president all the more.
Because East Coast liberal intellectuals ARE Americans, and I know this because I was BORN one.
Because nobody actually wants to talk about how we might actually change anything.
Because I DO talk to my dead grandma.
Because my hormones are messed up presently.