museums, knitting, and (sometimes) more

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The best news ever

Found this out by accident, apparently they were going to tell me at a reasonable date after doctor's appointments and whatnot, but through a miracle of procrastination I happened to read Ann's blog. What I mean to say is - MY BROTHER AND SISTER IN LAW ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, a BABY!!!!!! A little adorable Gwinn-Zawistoski nerdlet!!!!!!!!!!! Gramma Gwinn is so happy right now, and so am I!!!!!!!! (as you may be able to tell by the plethora of exclamation points).
I don't want to jinx anything, or put any unreasonable expectations on this child-to-be, but its so hard not to make Aunt Liz plans!
Like a baby membership at the Walker (or I guess a family membership, so C & A can go too) and our first trip to Europe together and our matching tattoos when it turns eighteen and ... (i'd better stop before I get in trouble)
and, oh, the kntting projects. The knitting projects. Did I mention the knitting projects? Like Anouk if it's a girl and cargo pants if it's a boy and trellis and baby jeans either way and maybe a little something for the parents-to-be in the meantime. And that's just from knitty.
On a less cool note, this is what you get if you google "Gwinn Baby." "Zawistoski Baby" is a little more satisfying.
Did I say yay? Ok.