Check out Todd Gibson's DCM reference
While I am speaking of Dorothy Canning Miller (my thesis subject, for those of you who are wondering what the hell I am talking about) two incredibly small contributions to the literature that I plan to make soon:
1. David Hopkins's pseudo-textbook After Modern Art, which I bought in one of those Amazon "add-this-book-to-your-order-for-only-six-dollars" deals, not only misattributes curation of "The New American Painting," it misattributes it to "Alfred J. Barr," not Miller's mentor and friend Alfred H. Barr, Jr. I'm gonna write them and make them fix that shit in the next edition. The misattribution is somewhat understandable, given art historians' tendency to overlook Miller (which I address in my thesis, if anyone is interested) but getting the name of the most significant museum director (sorry, Mr. d'Harnoncourt) of the 20th century wrong? totally unacceptable.
2. DCM doesn't have an entry in Wikipedia. I think I will have to fix that.
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